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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡɔlɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈɡɔːlɪŋ]








1.令人恼怒;使人烦恼;使人感到屈辱making you angry because it is unfair

It was galling to have to apologize to a man she hated.令人恼火的是得向她憎恶的男人道歉。



adj.1.making you feel annoyed or angry, especially because something is not fair

v.1.The present participle of gall

1.擦伤 流痕 flow mark 擦伤, 压痕 galling 光滑 glazing ...

2.磨损 Galliformes 鸡形目 galling 磨损 gallium arsenide 砷化镓 ...

3.毛边 flaw 刮伤 galling 毛边 glazing 光滑 ...

4.使烦恼的 fret away 烦恼中度过 galling 使烦恼的 overcare 自寻烦恼 ...

5.难堪的 1160 galaxy n. 银河,星系,一群显赫的人物 1161 galling adj. 使烦恼的,使焦躁的,难堪的 1162 galvanize v. 电镀,通电,激励 ...

6.胶合 gallery 巷道 galling 摩擦磨蚀 gallium 镓 ...


1.That's not such a big deal if you do it occasionally, but it can become galling if you make it a habit.偶尔一两次这样做可能无所谓,但是不要让它成习惯。

2.Of course it's galling , but I'm looking at it as a massive blessing in disguise because it could have been much worse.当然,伤病是令人烦恼的,但是我缺想说‘塞翁失马,焉知祸福’,因为伤病有可能更糟糕。

3.The secular talk of the worldly-minded was galling to me, and I would look wistfully to the day when my own beloved companions would come.长期的营求名利的交谈使我感到烦恼,我希望有一天属于自己的心爱同伴会来到。

4.It must be all the more galling, therefore, to see pregnant mainlanders rushing in.当她看到那些冲向香港的内地孕妇时,难免会更加愤慨。

5.This design minimizes galling tendency with non-hardened stainless steel seats and is less likely to stick in the body seat.这种结构将未硬化不锈钢阀座的磨损可能性降到最小程度,也降低了卡在阀体阀座上的可能性。

6.It was particularly galling to us that it was in answer to a baseless attack with heavy racial undertones.尤其令我们难堪的是,他正带着浓重的种族主义腔调在回应一个无根据的攻打缘由。

7.But what is galling is the idea that Chinese women have moved into an age of limitless possibility, when that's far from the case.不过令人难堪的是,认为中国女性已经拥有无限可能性的想法距离现实还遥不可及。

8.But it is galling that the profitability of the banks was partly founded on an excessive reliance on central banks as liquidity providers.但银行的盈利能力部分地建立在对作为流动性提供者的央行的依赖之上也是令人不安之事。

9.Yes, and that's what makes it even more galling. You don't have to go seeking your glory; it comes to you.是的,这才显得尤其难能可贵,你无须追逐荣耀,但是荣耀就来了。

10.It was galling that the issue chosen by our critics was a subject in which we had every reason to take pride.令人伤脑筋的是,我们的批评者所选择的这个问题正是我们有种种理由可以自豪的事情。
